Tagged: Fires

Iran, Holidays, and Absent Leaders

Well, things are starting with a bang in 2020, that’s for sure.

The US President sanctions an attack that kills people in Iraq, including the second most powerful man in Iran, the head of the Revolutionary Guard, and a revered general.

He approved that killing from his luxury holiday retreat in Florida.
He saw no good reason to return to Washington D.C.

At the same time, the UK government sent British warships close to Iranian waters, patrolling the Strait of Hormuz, The official line is that they are there to ‘protect British merchant ships’.

The new UK Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, approved this deployment from his holiday villa on the luxury island of Mustique.
He was renting the villa with his girlfriend, at a cost of £20,000 a week. That’s around £4,000 more than someone on minimum wage earns in a YEAR.
He saw no good reason to return to London.

Across vast areas of Australia, devastating bush fires have killed many people, untold millions of wild animals, and made thousands homeless.
One of the reasons why it has been so hard to fight the fires is the government cutbacks to emergency services in that country, leading to an unusually high dependence on unpaid volunteer firefighters. Some of whom have been killed.

Yet the Prime Minister of Australia, Scott Morrison, initially saw no good reason to return from his luxury holiday in Hawaii.

So America could be facing some kind of extensive and prolonged war with Iran, and possibly having to fight once again in Iraq.
Britain could well be dragged into that too, as one of the main allies of the US.
Australia has never seen bush fires like this in its history, and they are still burning.

But as long as all three leaders don’t have to cancel their luxury holidays, that’s all right then.