1. 2581john

    That was debunked years ago Pete. See the copy/paste below:

    Fact check: Trump did not call Republicans “the dumbest group of voters”

    By Reuters May 28, 2020 5:09 PM GMT+1Updated 4 years ago

    Trump was still in the Republican Party in 1998 so it wouldn’t have been the best comment to make.

    So Pete, who do you think was behind this lie and what do you think they hope to achieve by it?

    Liked by 2 people

  2. jilldennison

    Apparently the Republicans either didn’t get that memo or simply didn’t care. Even today, he has large support despite his many crimes against the nation, multiple indictments & court cases, threats of violence and ‘retribution’ against all who have spoken out against him. Apparently, there is a segment of society who like that stuff. Sigh. I still don’t believe he can win in November … but then, I said that in 2016, and look where that got us. Canada is starting to look good …

    Liked by 2 people

      • jilldennison

        His slim lead is dependent on which of the polls you look at. Overall, I think he’s pretty much tied, and if he is convicted on even one felony, he is likely to lose a significant percentage of support. I still don’t believe he will win, but … the one thing that is concerning is that many people are pulling away from Biden because of our continued support of Israel. I get that, I really do, but … if he pulled our support out of Israel, there would be hell to pay. It’s a no-win situation right now and I still believe he is trying to do the right thing. Will people see it that way? 🤷

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  3. Yetismith

    What is going on here is unbelievable. I really don’t care if the man goes to jail as long as he goes away and I never have to hear his name again. The amount of money he has cost the country, the lives he has wrecked is obscene. His followers are a cult. In their view he can do no wrong and has been sent by God to save us. I’m not sure what they think we need saving from. He has sucked the wind out of the country which I no longer recognise and I’m not sure we can recover without a punch up.

    Liked by 4 people

  4. wilfredbooks

    It used to be believed that stuff like that would come back to “bite you in the ass”, but that doesn’t seem to happen now, does it? Lying seems to be the default setting, unfortunately. Cheers, Jon.

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